At the Board of Education meeting last Thursday, May 18th, Mrs. Antolina recognized Hunter N. for being High School Student of the Month for May. Mr. Delcamp and Mr. Mead-Colegrove recognized Mr. Ken Roberts for being Employee of the Month for May. Mr. Delcamp recognized Mr. Robert Mead-Colegrove for his participation in the New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA) Leadership Development Opportunities. Congratulations to all of these individuals!!
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
JD and BMC
Breathe Life invites you to join them today at 3 p.m. at St. Stephen's for Game Day.
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
Thank you to all who exercised their right to vote yesterday at the 2023-2024 Annual Budget Vote, the Establishment of a Capital Reserve Fund and the School Board Election. Proposition 1: 2023-2024 School Budget passed with a 73.1% pass rate (total votes: YES 114, NO 41, UNDERVOTE 1). Proposition 2: Establishment of a Capital Reserve Fund for the Acquisition of Buses, Similar Vehicles and Related Equipment passed with a 79.5% pass rate (total votes: YES 124, NO 29, UNDERVOTE 3) School Board Candidates- Robert Mead-Colegrove and Melissa Seavy were both elected to a five-year term.
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
2023-2024 Unofficial Results
We have an opportunity to help a member of our community who has just received a bone marrow transplant as part of his treatment for myeloid leukemia. A used shoe drive is underway and you can help by bringing your used or outgrown shoes to leave in the bin outside on the Elementary bus ramp. This is a wonderful opportunity to upcycle your old shoes for a worthy cause. Please consider donating by dropping off shoes in the bin outside the Elementary doors. Every shoe helps!
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
This message is to inform you of the Annual Budget Vote and the Middle School Spring Concert that takes place tomorrow. Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 16th from noon to 8 PM, the Annual Budget Vote will take place at the Brocton Central School District. Parking will be available at the High School Gymnasium parking lot. To vote, please enter through the High School Gymnasium door nearest to the Tennis Courts. To be an eligible voter, you must be a U.S. citizen, 18 years or older, and a resident of the Brocton Central School District for at least thirty days prior to the vote. The Middle School Band and Chorus spring concert will take place tomorrow, May 16th at 7 PM in the Auditorium. All Band and Chorus students are required to attend. Please come and support these amazing student musicians, enjoy some wonderful music and don’t forget to vote!
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
Budget Vote- Door
The Brocton Central School District would like to wish you all a Happy Mother's Day!
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
happy Mother's Day
There will be no Game Day today (Wednesday, May 10th) at the St. Stephen's Cafe. Game Day will resume next Wednesday, May 17th.
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
No Game Day
Today is National School Nurses Day! The Brocton Central School District would like to thank the nurses, Ms. Newman and Mrs. Szymanowski. Their thoughtfulness, dedication and rising to meet the needs of our students and staff during these challenging times are reflected in their amazing work!
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
Happy School Nurses Day
Yesterday was May the Fourth Be With You day and today is May 5th also known as Revenge of the Sith day. This morning the elementary STEM Club celebrated these Star Wars themed days by building their own light sabers.
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Huber
Building light sabers in STEM club
Building light sabers in STEM club
Building light sabers in STEM club
Building light sabers in STEM club
Today is School Lunch Hero Day! The Brocton Central School District would like to thank our School Lunch Hero's, Ms. Farrell, Ms. Bane, Ms. Honey, Mr. O'Brien, Ms. Pierce, Ms. Sheldon, Mrs. Test, and Ms. Webber. These School Lunch Hero's nourish the lives of our BCS students and always greet them all with a smile! "Let's Taco 'Bout It", our cafeteria staff is the best!
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
School Lunch Hero Day
The Brocton Central School District would like to thank all of our Elementary, Middle and High school Teachers! In a time when the teaching profession has been stretched beyond boundaries, all of them have continued to rise to the challenge! The Teachers of the Brocton Central School District exemplify the heart of the district. Together, we continue to be BROCTON STRONG!
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
Rainbow, Heart, Bulldog
Brocton CSD: Breathe Life invites you to join them on Wednesday, May 3rd at 3 p.m. at St. Stephen's for Game Day. To learn more about Game Day and supporting information please click here:
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
game day
On Saturday, April 29th, the Chautauqua Center will be providing Covid-19 vaccines in their mobile unit at the Brocton Central School District from noon to 4 p.m. Please take advantage of this helpful service. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the health office at (716) 792-2146.
almost 2 years ago, The Health Office
covid-19 vaccine
On Administrative Professionals’ Day, the Brocton Central School District would like to thank Ms. Kathy Garnsey, Mrs. Ashley Karalus, Mrs. Wendy Kendall-Miller, Mrs. Ashley Means, Miss Christine Mittner, Mrs. Anne Marie Ressler, Mrs. Laurie Skinner, and Mrs. Jennifer Starcher for their hard work, tireless effort and their every day enthusiasm. Their work and commitment is the key to our success!
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
Admin Professionals' Day
At the Board of Education meeting yesterday evening, April 20th, Mrs. Antolina recognized Natalie N. for being Middle School Student of the Month. Mr. Delcamp, Mr. Mead-Colegrove and Mr. Roberts recognized Mr. Kevin Cobb for being Employee of the Month for April.
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 22nd from 10 AM- 2 PM! Take your unused or expired medication to be disposed safely! The only confirmed collection site in Chautauqua county is at Alstar Ambulance in Dunkirk, NY!
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day
Happy National Robotics Week!
almost 2 years ago, Mrs. Huber
students learning to code with robots
students learning to code with robots
students learning to code with robots
students learning to code with robots
students learning to code with robots
students learning to code with robots
students learning to code with robots
students learning to code with robots
students learning to code with robots
students learning to code with robots
The Class of 2023 will be hosting a Chiavetta's Chicken BBQ on Friday, April 21st from 2 PM - 6 PM. Chicken dinners can be picked up at the High School Gym entrance (off of School St.). Pre-sale tickets are $13. Tickets will be $15 the day of the event. If you'd like to purchase a presale ticket please email Jennifer Hazelton at or contact a member of the Class of 2023. Thank you in advance for supporting the class of 2023!
almost 2 years ago, Brocton Central School District
Do you have students who are NOT YET connected to Care Coordination and OPWDD Supports and Services? WE CAN HELP! Schedule a FREE in-person or virtual workshop for your staff and/or families to discuss the following: An Overview of Care Coordination OPWDD eligibility, services, and supports Referral Process Community Resources Click to request a workshop! - Assistance linking your students to Care Coordination and OPWDD Contact Community Relations Manager, Kristi Moscato to schedule a free referral packet training Already trained? Link to our online referral packet. West Region Referral Form - Person Centered Services Reach Out to Your Regional Community Relations Manager: Kristi Moscato (Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans, & Wyoming) (716) 954-6987
almost 2 years ago, BCS Special Education Dept
Community Connector
On Monday, April 10th, Brocton Elementary held the 2023 Typing Bowl featuring 20 finalists grades 3-5. These students were the top typists in the intermediate school. These students competed in a live head to head one-minute type-off competition. Each of the 20 finalists received a medal and a special t-shirt and were cheered on by a very excited audience full of their peers, teachers, administrators, and families. At the end, Third Place went to Cora Sam, Joshua Lanski took Second Place and Wesley Sam took home the First Place trophy! A fanfare of confetti rained down on the winners and all the finalists as students danced to music and celebrated their classmates. Afterwards, there was a reception full of treats for all 20 finalists an their families. Finalists and winners were greeted to a hero's welcome as they returned to class!
almost 2 years ago, Kristin Zappie
Top three students on podium
Students shoot confetti cannons
Wesley Sam took first place
Students shake hands
Students hug
Students greet onstage
Students competing onstage
students celebrate after competition